CRNA â€" PART TIME 2 ( TC 8474 )
Location: , Florida
Description: TIVA Healthcare is in need of CRNA â€" PART TIME 2 ( TC 8474 ) right now, this job will be designated in Florida. For complete informations about this job opportunity please give attention to these descriptions. Job Type: Permanent
Hospital Description:
2 CRNA's For Sarasota
Coral Anesthesia Associates an affiliated service at Doc! tors Hospital of Sarasota in Sarasota, Florida is seeking two part time CRNA’s. Doctors Hospital is a 168-bed acute care facility serving Sarasota and Manatee counties.
Becker’s Orthopedic & Spine Review has named Doctors Hospital to their list of Top 40 Orthopedic and Spine Programs. The orthopedic and spine unit also received the 2010 HealthGrades Award for being in the top five percent in the nation for spine surgery. Doctors Hospital of Sarasota is in the HCA West Florida Division, a comprehensive network of 15 hospitals, 16 ambulatory surgery centers and several diagnostic imaging facilities.
In addition to the hospital, Coral Anesthesia Associates provides coverage at several ambulatory surgical centers in Sarasota.
8 MD’s 22 CRNA’s
Salary is $90 hour
There is no Call
Part-time 4 or 8 hour shift Monday through Friday
4 hour shift is 1st one out
Daily start time is 7:00 AM
Provider is required to do All ! types of cases except cardiac, no OB, light neurosurgery CRNAâ! €™s place their own spinal and epidurals
Privileges take 3 months No Temp Privileges at Doctors Hospital
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If you were eligible to this job, please send us your resume, with salary requirements and a resume to TIVA Healthcare.
Interested on this job, just click on the Apply button, you will be redirected to the official website
This job will be opened on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 23:15:35 GMT
Apply CRNA â€" PART TIME 2 ( TC 8474 ) Here